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Aug 18, 2013

JOYCE an Amstrad PCW for Windows and UNIX / UNIX like operating systems has been updated.

JOYCE is an Amstrad PCW emulator for UNIX and Windows. It emulates the PCW 8000, 9000 and 10 series computers, but not the PCW 16; see ANNE for PCW16 emulation. Since it's written using SDL, it shouldn't be too hard to port it to other platforms such as MacOS Classic or BeOS.


Jul 17, 2013

JOYCE an Amstrad PCW for Windows and UNIX / UNIX like operating systems has been updated.

JOYCE emulates the Amstrad PCW on Unix, Windows and Mac OS X. Since it's written using SDL, it shouldn't be too hard to port it to other platforms such as MacOS Classic or BeOS.


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